Zhu Zhu pet hamster toy—Why you want one NOW
The latest craze is this hamster toy that runs on batteries and is interactive and intelligent. You want one of these hamster toys now because they are selling out in stores the day they come in. These are furry, cuddly, lifelike hamster toys for your child to play with, and they have variety and personality. There is also a large variety of accessories like houses, beds, blankets, cars, garages, running balls, running tracks and carrying cases for travel . This means this hamster toy is a fairly good mimic of the real hamster setup but without the feeding and the messes to clean up. It is not a replacement, but if you are unsure if you child is ready for the responsibility of the real thing, this hamster toy can provide enough interaction, diversity, variety and expandability to keep your child occupied and interested for a good long time. These are intended for children 3 years old and above because of small parts warnings according to the manufacturer.
These were test marketed as the GO GO pet hamster toy which may become collectible due to quantity. The ZHU ZHU pet hamster toy is now in full blown production and the original price of around $8 is rising due to incredible demand. The commercials are captivating, and children who see this want the hamster toy for their own. They do come in at least four models, personalities, and colors. So if you have several children, each one can have an identifiably different hamster toy. NUM NUMS is the friend you can depend on. PIPSQUEAK is full of curiosity and adventure. CHUNK is the surfer dude, and MR. SQUIGGLES has a finicky, been there done that personality. Each hamster toy makes about forty unique sounds that change when they are in different parts of their house environment. They also each have an active and sleep mode which your child can activate with a button depending on whether they want their hamster toy to be cuddly or active. All in all this is a pretty great toy and may help you decide if your child is eventually ready for the real thing. Click on an item to get more information and return here by closing that view box. My apologies if any of the displays below are flashing, but that generally means an item is temporarily not available